Well there's not a whole lot there with it only being Health & Beauty items, but I was able to find some freebies. :) I only did one transaction today to make sure they were working correctly. One of my coupons didn't ring up right for some reason, but .50 wasn't enough for me to deal with their customer service!! lol
Here's what I got:
1 Pantene Classics Shampoo $3.50 - $2 q = free
1 Pantene Classics Conditioner $3.50 (I used a $2 q, but it only ended up taking $3 off) .50
1 Pantene Detangler $3.00 - $1.50 q = free
2 NYC Color Cover sticks $1.99 ea - (2) $1 q's = free
Total= $1.10 (.60 is tax)
Total savings: $8.10
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