Sunday, September 5, 2010

Coupon Train

Hey Guys! Jackie and I are interested in getting a coupon train set up. For those of you that aren't familiar with what a coupon train is you would make a wishlist of either coupons you are looking for or just products you use that you would want coupons for. Then every week you would get an envelope of coupons together and mail them to someone on the list and then you would get an envelope of coupons from someone else. This is a great way to get rid of some of the coupons you won't use and get more of the ones you need.

Right now Jackie and I are just in the beginning stages and trying to figure out who is interested. We haven't decided exactly how it will be run yet, but we would like to see how many people are interested.

If you are interested or you know anyone that is let me know!! Also let me know if you have any questions!! (me) (Jackie)


  1. I sent Jackie my info! I"m excited!! LOL

  2. That's great Ruby! Hopefully we can get some more people!!
